22 research outputs found

    A satellite navigation system to improve the management of intermodal drayage

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    The intermodal transport chain can become more efficient by means of a good organization of the drayage movements. Drayage in intermodal container terminals involves the pick up or delivery of containers at customer locations, and the main objective is normally the assignment of transportation tasks to the different vehicles, often with the presence of time windows. The literature shows some works on centralised drayage management, but most of them consider the problem only from a static and deterministic perspective, whereas the work we present here incorporates the knowledge of the real-time position of the vehicles, which permanently enables the planner to reassign tasks in case the problem conditions change. This exact knowledge of position of the vehicles is possible thanks to a geographic positioning system by satellite (GPS, Galileo, Glonass), and the results show that this additional data can be used to dynamically improve the solution

    Operativa de transferencia y programaci贸n de gr煤as en la terminal de contenedores del puerto de Sevilla.

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    En 茅ste trabajo se realiza el an谩lisis de la operativa de transferencia y la programaci贸n de gr煤as en la terminal de contenedores Batan del Puerto de Sevilla. Para esto es propuesto un modelo de simulaci贸n discreta utilizando el software ARENA 11.0. El objetivo es identificar los principales cuellos de botella en la terminal de contenedores teniendo en cuenta datos de tr谩fico actuales. De acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos en las diferentes simulaciones se realiza un diagnostico de la situaci贸n actual del puerto y se proponen posibles mejoras

    Dynamic approach to solve the daily drayage problem with travel time uncertainty

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    The intermodal transport chain can become more e cient by means of a good organization of drayage movements. Drayage in intermodal container terminals involves the pick up and delivery of containers at customer locations, and the main objective is normally the assignment of transportation tasks to the di erent vehicles, often with the presence of time windows. This scheduling has traditionally been done once a day and, under these conditions, any unexpected event could cause timetable delays. We propose to use the real-time knowledge about vehicle position to solve this problem, which permanently allows the planner to reassign tasks in case the problem conditions change. This exact knowledge of the position of the vehicles is possible using a geographic positioning system by satellite (GPS, Galileo, Glonass), and the results show that this additional data can be used to dynamically improve the solution

    Berth allocation planning in Seville inland port by simulation and optimisation

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    We study the problems associated with allocating berths for containerships in the port of Seville. It is the only inland port in Spain and it is located on the Guadalquivir River. This paper addresses the berth allocation planning problems using simulation and optimisation with Arena software. We propose a mathematical model and develop a heuristic procedure based on genetic algorithm to solve non-linear problems. Allocation planning aims to minimise the total service time for each ship and considers a first-come-first-served allocation strategy. We conduct a large amount of computational experiments which show that the proposed model improves the current berth management strategy

    eWOM nos tempos de COVID-19: uma an谩lise emp铆rica das marcas colombianas no Facebook

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    The effects of the different message strategies related to COVID-19 on the generation of eWOM were analyzed; that is, if the publications referring to the pandemic receive greater participation by users of social networks in Colombia. 562 company posts on Facebook were reviewed, of which 382 were subjected to the negative binomial regression model. It was found that no message strategy related to COVID-19 affects the rate of comments. The influence of different types of content on reactions and shared content was also identified. It is concluded that social networks are recreation and entertainment scenarios; therefore, the informative content does not generate impacts on the volume of comments, reactions, or share content.Se analizaron los efectos de las distintas estrategias de mensaje relacionadas con la COVID-19 en la generaci贸n de eWOM; es decir, si las publicaciones referentes a la pandemia reciben mayor participaci贸n por parte de usuarios de redes sociales en Colombia. Se revisaron 562 publicaciones de empresas en Facebook, de las cuales 382 fueron sometidas al modelo de regresi贸n binomial negativa. Se encontr贸 que ninguna estrategia de mensaje relacionada con la COVID-19 afecta la tasa de comentarios y se identific贸 la influencia de diferentes tipos de contenido sobre reacciones y contenido compartido. Se concluye que las redes sociales son es颅cenarios de esparcimiento y entretenci贸n; por ello, el contenido informativo no genera impactos sobre el volumen de comentarios, reacciones o contenido compartido.Analisaram-se os efeitos das diferentes estrat茅gias de mensagens relacionadas ao COVID-19 na gera莽茫o de eWOM; ou seja, se as publica莽玫es referentes 脿 pandemia recebem maior participa莽茫o dos usu谩rios das redes sociais na Col么mbia. Foram revisados 562 posts da empresa no Facebook, dos quais 382 foram submetidos ao modelo de regress茫o binomial negativa. Nenhuma estrat茅gia de mensagem relacionada ao COVID-19 foi encontrada para afetar a taxa de coment谩rios e identificou-se a influ锚ncia de diferentes tipos de conte煤do nas rea莽玫es e no conte煤do compartilhado. Conclui-se que as redes sociais s茫o cen谩rios de recrea莽茫o e entretenimento; portanto, o conte煤do informativo n茫o gera impactos no volume de coment谩rios, rea莽玫es ou conte煤do compartilhado

    Modelo de optimizaci贸n y simulaci贸n para la gesti贸n de muelles del puerto de Sevilla

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    In this paper we study the berth allocations problems in the Seville container terminal. We proposal simulation and optimization models with arena software, and develop a heuristic procedure based on genetic algorithm for solved the problems. We conduct a large amount of computational experiments to validate the models proposals.En 茅ste trabajo se estudia el problema de asignaci贸n de muelles en la terminal de contenedores del Puerto de Sevilla. Para dar soluci贸n al problema es propuesto un modelo de simulaci贸n discreta utilizando el software ARENA 11.0 el cual tiene integrado un modelo de optimizaci贸n que es resuelto cada que un buque llega al puerto. Para resolver el modelo se dise帽a un algoritmo gen茅tico. De acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos en las diferentes simulaciones se muestran las mejoras que se obtienen con los modelos propuestos

    Simulation-optimization models for the dynamic berth allocation problem

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    Container terminals are designed to provide support for the continuous changes in container ships. The most common schemes used for dock management are based on discrete and continuous locations. In view of the steadily growing trend in increasing container ship size, more flexible berth allocation planning is mandatory. The consideration of continuous location in the container terminal is a good option. This paper addresses the berth allocation problem with continuous dock, which is called dynamic berth allocation problem (DBAP). We propose a mathematical model and develop a heuristic procedure, based on a genetic algorithm, to solve the corresponding mixed integer problem. Allocation planning aims to minimise distances travelled by the forklifts and the quay crane, for container loading and unloading operations for each ship, according to the quay crane scheduling. Simulations are undertaken using Arena software, and experimental analysis is carried out for the most important container terminal in Spain

    Operativa de transferencia en las terminales de contenedores portuarias: estado del arte.

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    In this paper we analyze the transport operations in the container terminals; we describe and classify the main works in logistics processes and methodologies in this operation. Consider to the main papers we defined three suboperations inside transport operations and present a survey of methods for their optimization.En 茅ste trabajo se realiza el an谩lisis de la operativa de transferencia en las terminales de contenedores portuarias, identificando y analizado los principales trabajos que abordan desde diferentes enfoques esta operativa. De acuerdo con los trabajos encontrados se definen los tres sub-sistemas m谩s importantes que consideran los autores, as铆 como sus objetivos, criterios y caracter铆sticas

    Daily drayage problem opportunities to optimize the European freight transport

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    The freight transportation is one of the main sectors in the European Union. In the last decades, it grew up more than the GPB. This growth was not proportional on ali the transportation modes. It has associated negative effects: accidents, pollution and congestion. The UE looked to the intermodality like the main alternative. However, the crisis in Europe do not possible the inversion on great infrastructure. This work pretends to optimize and improve the use of the intermodality through the drayage.El transporte de mercanc铆as es uno de los sectores m谩s importantes dentro de la Uni贸n Europea. Su crecimiento en los 煤ltimos a帽os ha incluso superado al crecimiento del PIB. Este crecimiento no ha sido proporcional entre todos los modos de transporte, siendo el mayor beneficiario el transporte por carretera. Esto ha tra铆do asociado una serie de fen贸menos negativos: accidentalidad, poluci贸n y congesti贸n. La Uni贸n ha se帽alado a la intermodalidad como la alternativa. Sin embargo, en el actual periodo de crisis que vive Europa, inversi贸n en las grandes infraestructuras necesarias es posiblemente una quimera. Este art铆culo pretende optimizar y facilitar el uso de la intermodalidad a trav茅s de la optimizaci贸n de uno de los eslabones principales de la cadena intermodal, el acarreo terrestre

    Optimization by simulation for the berth management in the Algeciras port

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    In this paper we study the berth allocations problems in the Algeciras container terminal. We proposal simulation and optimization models with arena software, and develop a heuristic procedure based on genetic algorithm for solved the problems. We conduct a large amount of computational experiments with three different scenarios to validate the models proposals.En este trabajo es propuesto un modelo de optimizaci贸n que busca minimizar el tiempo de trabajo para cada buque, se desarrolla una heur铆stica basada en algoritmo gen茅tico para resolver el modelo de optimizaci贸n entero mixto y se plantea un modelo de simulaci贸n con tres escenarios distintos para validar las decisiones que toma el modelo. Se toma como caso de estudio el puerto de Algeciras, el cual es el de mayor tr谩fico de contenedores de Espa帽a